We have childcare available for all regular service times, including Sunday morning Discipleship Classes. Childcare is staffed by trained volunteers, that love and care for your child. We know the importance of childcare to parents and we aime to create a clean comfortable enviroment that allows parents to feel comfortable leaving their child knowing they will be well cared for.
Baby/Toddler Dedications
As a way for us to celebrate the blessing of a new child, and show support to the parents, we offer Baby Dedications. This is a time when a family can present their child to the congregation, promising to continue to raise the child in a way that will encourage them to know the Lord, and allow the congregation an opportunity to commit to praying and showing support to the family.
Our next Dedication Service is July 29th, if you would like to reserve your spot during this service please email preschoolcrbc@gmail.com
Play Dates
Through out the year there a opportunities for our preschool families to come together outside of a church setting for a family friendly, fun outings. This gives parents the chance to connect and grow their relationships with one another, while also allowing their children to continue building the relationships they are creating on Sunday mornings. You can find a list of our events by following the link below.